SFM(状态机)轮子:transitions 学习

从同事写的一个工具里发现了这个库,能适用很多需要状态管理的场景,作者写的 Code Samples 更有意思。特此记录并写下学习这个库时候的心得。


from transitions import Machine
import random

class NarcolepticSuperhero(object):

    # Define some states. Most of the time, narcoleptic superheroes are just like
    # everyone else. Except for...
    states = ['asleep', 'hanging out', 'hungry', 'sweaty', 'saving the world']

    def __init__(self, name):

        # No anonymous superheroes on my watch! Every narcoleptic superhero gets
        # a name. Any name at all. SleepyMan. SlumberGirl. You get the idea.
        ## 哪怕是叫小强,超级英雄也是需要一个响亮的名字
        self.name = name

        # What have we accomplished today?
        ## 超级英雄日常拯救小猫任务计数 0/999999
        self.kittens_rescued = 0

        # Initialize the state machine
        ## 超级英雄的一天从睡觉开始(雾
        self.machine = Machine(model=self, states=NarcolepticSuperhero.states, initial='asleep')

        # Add some transitions. We could also define these using a static list of
        # dictionaries, as we did with states above, and then pass the list to
        # the Machine initializer as the transitions= argument.

        ## 给超级英雄添加一系列任务,这样就能让超级英雄从起床刷牙到拯救地球了
        # At some point, every superhero must rise and shine.
        self.machine.add_transition(trigger='wake_up', source='asleep', dest='hanging out')

        # Superheroes need to keep in shape.
        self.machine.add_transition('work_out', 'hanging out', 'hungry')

        # Those calories won't replenish themselves!
        self.machine.add_transition('eat', 'hungry', 'hanging out')

        # Superheroes are always on call. ALWAYS. But they're not always
        # dressed in work-appropriate clothing.

        ## 超级英雄可以从任何时候进行拯救世界状态,但需要先穿上赞助商定制战衣~
        self.machine.add_transition('distress_call', '*', 'saving the world',

        # When they get off work, they're all sweaty and disgusting. But before
        # they do anything else, they have to meticulously log their latest
        # escapades. Because the legal department says so.
        ## 在完成任务后,主机会自动给超级英雄记上一笔小红花
        self.machine.add_transition('complete_mission', 'saving the world', 'sweaty',

        # Sweat is a disorder that can be remedied with water.
        # Unless you've had a particularly long day, in which case... bed time!
        ## 入睡前必须洗澡,除非超级英雄今天压根就没出门……(即使这样也要洗澡的吧喂!难道超级英雄是北方人吗?
        self.machine.add_transition('clean_up', 'sweaty', 'asleep', conditions=['is_exhausted'])
        self.machine.add_transition('clean_up', 'sweaty', 'hanging out')

        # Our NarcolepticSuperhero can fall asleep at pretty much any time.
        ## 没错!超级英雄任何时候都能入睡!
        self.machine.add_transition('nap', '*', 'asleep')

    def update_journal(self):
        """ Dear Diary, today I saved Mr. Whiskers. Again. """
        self.kittens_rescued += 1

    def is_exhausted(self):
        """ Basically a coin toss. """
        return random.random() < 0.5

    def change_into_super_secret_costume(self):
        print("Beauty, eh?")

下面我们有请蝙蝠侠进行超级英雄示范 👏

>>> batman = NarcolepticSuperhero("Batman")
>>> batman.state

>>> batman.wake_up()
>>> batman.state
'hanging out'

>>> batman.nap()
>>> batman.state

>>> batman.clean_up()
MachineError: "Can't trigger event clean_up from state asleep!"

>>> batman.wake_up()
>>> batman.work_out()
>>> batman.state

# Batman still hasn't done anything useful...
>>> batman.kittens_rescued

# We now take you live to the scene of a horrific kitten entreement...
>>> batman.distress_call()
'Beauty, eh?'
>>> batman.state
'saving the world'

# Back to the crib.
>>> batman.complete_mission()
>>> batman.state

>>> batman.clean_up()
>>> batman.state
'asleep'   # Too tired to shower!

# Another productive day, Alfred.
>>> batman.kittens_rescued

TOBE Continued .